No Power

Pulling the plug on poverty

There’s no quick fix for poverty, but together we can cut some of its power. In the winter of 2022 Werk partnered with Visionwest to roll out a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign to ease the burdens of stress, hunger and cold for whānau across New Zealand. By taking part in the 24 Hour No Power Challenge kiwis experienced a brief blast of winter without heating, lighting or creature comforts to shine a torch on the challenges people face during the coldest months, and most importantly, to raise money. This was a project we couldn't more proud to support!

Colourful illustration by Werk Agency of female shining torch into dark sky, surrounded by six other people including a young boy raising his hands in the air

Crafting a compelling campaign identity

Werk Agency crafted the campaign identity from scratch; dreaming up the No Power Challenge idea, developing a comprehensive communication strategy, and executing the campaign branding and marketing assets that incorporated illustration, animation, graphic and video design. From digital out-of-home placements to social media marketing, the campaign rolled out with beautiful visuals to tell this very important story and encourage participation in a great cause.

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